
Saturday, October 7, 2023

2023 Frugal Friday File, October 6...


1.  I on-called at another branch yesterday, and completed my annual training.  Yay!  Oh, yeah, and there's the 'money in' aspect.  ;)

2.  I'm not sure I've even been inside my preferred grocery store since before the pandemic.  My husband goes every week or so to pick up milk or bread or his lunch preferences.  But as far as menu planning and shopping lists, I do it all online and pick it up.  My daughter, who lives by her spreadsheets, says that it saves money since there are no impulse purchases.  I can believe that.  We only have two grocery options locally, so shopping at different stores and sales isn't really an affordable option as it would involve a lot of gasoline which would eat up any savings.  

3.  I have been using lots of postage lately sending cards to family and friends.  I went to the post office website to see if they had any new designs.  They have a new snow globe Christmas stamp that I like, so I bought two books.  It is getting to be time to think about mailing Christmas cards, and I thought I'd get some while they were still in stock.  I also bought one book of a new Pinata stamp.  I had other stamps in my cart, but I decided I could live without them for the immediate future, and reigned in my impulses.

4.  According to the library, I have saved over $300 this year by checking out books rather than buying them.  I rarely buy books at full price.  I always try the library first.  If they don't have what I'm looking for I check out used book sources.  If all else fails, I just add the book to my Amazon wish list so I don't forget about it, and I watch the Kindle special offers to see if it might be offered at a discounted price.  If I'm still interested after waiting for awhile, I start the process over by re-checking the library and used book sources.  I'm pretty good at delayed gratification.

5.  Speaking of delayed gratification, I've been shopping online for sofas.  I'm narrowing down style and need preferences.  Now I'm just waiting for the right time for us and/or a good sale price.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  (I can't remember)

Sunday:  supper at Kasey and Beau's; I took brownies

Monday:  homemade Reuben sandwiches w/ chips

Tuesday:  2 different homecooked single-serving meals from freezer

Wednesday:  subscription meal that has been in the freezer

Thursday:  Spanish Rice

Friday:  Roast, potatoes, carrots from freezer (homecooked cook-once-eat-twice option)


  1. I bought the snow globe stamps for my Christmas cards this year as well. I hear you on the impulse buying, I am terrible at that when I go to the grocery store! I'm an up and down every aisle shopper, love seeing new products and unfortunately, too many of them end up in my cart!

    1. I used to love going to the store, but that changed for me when I had vertigo. All the aisles filled with stuff was too much stimulation, and I would break out in a cold sweat. I haven't had vertigo in years, but the store still fills me with dread.

  2. I am always excited to hear how others appreciate their library and do enjoy the book recommendations you make.


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