
Friday, July 10, 2020

The Frugal Friday File, week 28...

1.  A check for $27.44 arrived in the mail from the electric cooperative that served our former residence TEN years ago.  Apparently they are years behind in paying their member dividends.

And this was the week for unexpected $$$ in the mail, I guess...

2.  Carey opened the mail one day this week and found one envelope contained a survey and a $5 bill.  This wasn't something we signed up for; just a mass mailing I guess.  He actually completed the survey so he could keep the $5 with no feelings of having ripped off the survey company.  :)

3.  I gave Rudy an at-home pedicure.  He had a vet visit this week.  They used to trim his nails on every vet visit, but haven't the last couple of times, so I guess they discontinued that service.  Since going back to work full-time, I've really slacked off on his home grooming, and he has one claw that curls way under which makes it difficult to trim.  According to the vet we need to trim his nails often and as close to the quick as we can without cutting the quick.  That eventually will make the quick recede, and if we keep them  short, the nail will stop curling.  Luckily he only has one black nail, and it's not that one, so I can see the quick to avoid cutting too short.  He is really pretty good about letting me cut them, so it's not an unpleasant experience for either of us.

4.  Two books were reserved and checked out of the public library utilizing their new drive-up window.  

5.  Truth be told, I spend a lot of money on stamping supplies.  But the summer months alone help me recoup some of that expenditure.  We have so many June/July/August birthdays, that being able to make cards instead of buying is a nice talent to have and share.  And let's not discount the therapy aspect of being creative.  It makes me a much happier person overall.


  1. Surprise money - how fun and useful! Isn't it great to have the library open if only for pick up? Sort of like restaurants too at least here.

  2. I love surprise money but 10 Years? Too funny. I wish I did clip Buddy's nails but I keep buying the clip and then saying I just can't do it. It would be cheaper for me to pay than buy supplies and then give them away. My library is doing the drive up but I need to get better organized. Last time I had a kagillion books and they were so heavy to haul upstairs.

  3. Yes I appreciated my cards! I still have most of them lined up on the shelf above my computer! Yes we are still around, the gallery is open as we have very few local cases, but the borders remain closed, hopefully for a long time! I posted some flower pictures on my blog yesterday for the first time in 13 months! Take care. Our books by mail has reopened so Amazon's profits thanks to me will decline!


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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