1. I wish that I could insert an aroma.pie file into this blog post. I have two Chocolate Bourbon Pecan pies in the oven, and the house smells SO amazing! Pecan pie is Carey's favorite, and since he had to be out of town on his birthday, this is the first chance I've had to bake for him.
2. A couple of months ago my sweet baby girl decided that she wanted to start a tradition of having us over for Sunday dinner each week. She cooks the dinner. I bring the dessert. That wasn't a requirement of her invitation, but the grandchildren have been quite pleased so far. :)
3. Four days straight of working 8 to 5 last week was hard. I am out of practice. And the desk chair was really hard on my back. However, it was a great branch...really efficient and everything very straightforward. I have quite a few more work days this month and a few next month as well...some at this same branch, and some at another.
4. And work hasn't left as much time for reading! Current book is challenging, so though I've been at it for over a week, I'm only about half-way through.
5. Saturday an old friend came to visit for a few hours. She hasn't visited since we moved, so she got a tour of the house...the very, VERY cluttered house. Then Carey's brother spent the night last night. They weren't supposed to be back from the lease until today sometime. I had hoped to straighten up a little. Oh well.
6. Anyone thinking about Christmas gifting yet? If I want to hand make things, it is time to get on the ball. I have materials gathered for one project ready to start on.
7. We have several projects that need doing around the house. Three big ones. New floors in the non-carpeted areas of the house (which is everywhere except the bedrooms). Kitchen remodel. New front door. I'm hoping we can get started on those fairly soon.