
Friday, February 7, 2025

2025 Frugal Friday File, February 7...


1.  Changed the planned menu when our weather was in the eighties on Monday.  We were going to have tortilla soup, but I just wasn't in the mood for soup.  I had shredded cabbage, cooked chicken, and kale in the fridge; peeled a couple of oranges and tossed them in; made a peanut/soy/honey dressing; topped each serving with some chow mein noodles from the pantry.  Easy, health, filling, and not half bad.  And since the cabbage and kale hold up for a couple of days even with dressing on them, we had the leftovers for another supper on Wednesday.

2.  Quilted at the library.  Selected some fabric already in my 'collection' and figured out a pattern I could improvise to make a baby quilt...or maybe two.  No babies on the horizon, but my intent is to have baby quilts ready and waiting, so that when they are needed there will be a selection to choose from.

     This is frugal because I had everything I needed without any purchases.  We meet at the library, so no rental for the space.  No dues for membership.  

3.  Received two checks to reimburse part of my chiropractic costs.  Only fifty-ish dollars total, but every little bit helps.

4.  Oops...I lost #4 when I tried to paste something in here.  Can't recover it, and I'm too tired to try to start from scratch.  

5.  Still haven't gone for a haircut.

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  leftover spaghetti casserole

Sunday:  Sunday family supper at Kasey & Beau's

Monday:  Asian Chicken Slaw

Tuesday:  Spanish Rice

Wednesday:  leftover Asian Chicken Slaw

Thursday:  Breakfast for supper

Friday:  out for late lunch / early supper


  1. Replies
    1. It was...but I can't believe we've already had a salad day this year!


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