
Friday, November 29, 2024

2024 Frugal Friday File, November 29...

1.  Worked three days this week.

2.  Though I have made some Amazon purchases lately, they've not been impulse purchases because of Black Friday pricing.  I've bought some Christmas gifts.  I've bought a craft supply to make Christmas gifts that I couldn't find elsewhere. 

I did notice that the printer I bought earlier in the year was 40% off for Black Friday, so I sent its link to a friend who needs a printer and had discussed mine's capabilities with me several times.  Didn't save myself any money, but I am happy to help a friend save some.

3.  Bought T-shirts at Goodwill.  Made sure all the tags were the color of the day to get them for half price.  Will use them to make T-shirt yarn to make a Christmas gift.

4.  The end of fall semester is almost over, and the girls will be home from school.  They have contacted their former place of employment about working during the holiday, but weren't able to get on the schedule.  Hopefully I can hire them to help me get some tasks done around the house where young muscle will get needed things done.

5.  The only thing Kasey asked me to contribute to the Thanksgiving feast was a Chocolate Bourbon Pecan Pie for which I had all the ingredients on hand.  

On the menu this week:

Saturday:  C: leftovers, me: skipped supper

Sunday:  out for Chinese food

Monday:  homemade pizza

Tuesday:  leftovers

Wednesday:  pot pies

Thursday:  Thanksgiving feast at Kasey and Beau's

Friday:  Ham or turkey, Macaroni & Cheese, veg


  1. The pie sound amazing! Black Friday sales this year seem to be good on tech items. I finally decided to get a Mac laptop at an amazing discount. Holding off on deciding about a mouse and keyboard for it though and hoping my printer will air print as it is supposed to.

    1. It is a family favorite. Recipe is here:


I have had a lot of really gross spam comments left lately, so I am having to turn comment moderation back on. To my nice blog friends, my apologies if this makes it more difficult for you to comment. To the mean naughty-talk spammers, just go away!

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