1. Ugh! I missed the free shipping on meal subscription this week. That's what I get for not checking my email daily. But I did have enough loyalty points to get $10 off.
2. Credit card hackers struck again. This time it was Carey's gasoline card. I got the call this morning asking if either of us charged $124 in a coastal city this morning. Uh, no. So they canceled his card and will expedite delivery of the replacement. Thankful that they nipped it in the bud before any more was charged.
3. My road trip last weekend was a long (8 hours one way), boring (barely any radio reception) drive. But the time that I was at my destination made it all worthwhile. Loved seeing my friend and my sister and nephew. I had attempted to download an audio book for the trip, but wasn't able to for some reason. My hosts fed me fabulous meals, and my friend even made me a bag of snacks for the trip home. Sweet! As for entertainment, we stayed in and made cards...stamping with a friend is so much fun! So while the gasoline was expensive, the experience was priceless!
4. And of course the weekend included an extra day thanks to the Memorial Day paid holiday. The trip home was very moving as small towns all along the way had decked out their cemeteries to honor their veterans buried there.
5. We are saving the ticket theater price and NOT going to see Top Gun. We never saw the first one, so don't feel like we are missing anything.