Not sure what the title has to do with the post, but I have been humming that song every morning so far this month.
I had plans for today away from home, so I nearly killed myself yesterday trying to get a weekend's worth of work done in one day: vacuuming the entire house...baseboards and windowsills included, dusting, cleaning bathrooms, loading and unloading the dishwasher, LAUNDRY, changing the bed, putting away the Easter straggler decorations and rearranging the mantle with non-holiday objects.
I started relatively early, but I kept taking breaks to rest my back and knees which were feeling achy before I even got started, and I didn't want to incapacitate them entirely. When I thought my legs would fall off, I took a long hot soak in the tub. By the time I finally got to bed, it was 2:30 a.m.
I had to be up by 6:30 to meet my friend Pam. I was sure I would back out, but I didn't.
The weather was perfect for some auction action...cloudy but no rain...not to hot...not too cool. The only hard part was all the standing, because there was tons of stuff up for bid outside on tables...TONS. My poor knees and feet, so tired from all the work yesterday, complained all day.
But I won the bid on a vintage toleware wastebasket...
...and a reproduction toleware tray...
I didn't win the bid on the box lot these three floral frogs were in. But a few minutes later I bumped into the woman who had purchased the lot, and I asked her if she might consider selling me the frogs if they weren't what she had wanted the box for. She didn't want them at all, and was very happy to sell them to me at the price I offered. They were the only things in the entire lot that I had wanted, so we were both happy.
I did not bid on this pink Atlas sewing machine, but it did make me think of Michelle.
And the main reason I drug myself out of my nice comfy bed this morning was because they had this beauty up for bid...almost new, and my husband has been shopping for one. Happy Anniversary, honey! You can pick it up yourself on Wednesday. :)
Now, I think I will call it an early night. A girl's gotta work tomorrow.