This yarn looked really good in the store, but I'm not happy with the knitting up. I have unravelled and started over SO many times, and think I will give it one more try with yet bigger needles before just giving up.
But the real yarn I wanted to tell is this...
I went to Kasey and Beau's on Monday afternoon, and came home on Wednesday morning. On the way home I stopped in at Hobby Lobby (again), and as I was wandering the store, thoughts of the children kept popping into my head, and I found myself smiling over and over again. And it occurred to me that I am in love with those children. I don't just love them, I am IN love with them. That giddy, smile-at-odd-moments type of love that makes your heart thump and your brain race.
I love hearing a song on the radio and knowing it's one they sing along to. I love when one scoots over to sit closer to me on the sofa without ever taking his eyes off the television. I love the way one turns his face toward me and flashes his dimples. I love being asked to ride with them on the trip to school or getting a request to sing "Ayourdorable."
As I'm thinking these things, I say a little prayer of thanks. And I have a split second of wondering when they will outgrow me. But before the dread is even fully formed, I'm distracted by a head full of bright blue hair browsing a nearby display. Not the kind of blue hair that Carey and I tease each other about having. But bright PEACOCK blue hair. And this beautiful blue-haired sprite says, "I think I'll get this one. I'll just put the gift in this with some tissue. What do you think?" And she turns to her smiling shopping buddy...a lovely woman that she called Grandma.
And I smile again too.
I think there's lots more fun to look forward to and lots of thankfulness ahead.