Wednesday, September 24, 2008
A few things I love about autumn...
2. my higher energy level
3. pumpkins
4. birthdays
5. baking cornbread
6. soups and casseroles
7. new tv season
8. decline in stinging/biting insect population
9. reading under the covers
10. crisp cool air
Okay, these things aren't necessarily here where I live yet...but I'm eagerly anticipating!
Monday, September 22, 2008
virtual visit - summer linens
Last week we enjoyed the annual event that I wait for all through the long hot Texas summers...the first little cool front of the year. It wasn't a whole lot cooler, but it was some cooler and a lot less humid. Heavenly! As I changed the bed today, I thought it might not be long before I put away the summer whites and get out the darker linens and warmer blankets.
What you don't see in the picture is that on the floor, at the right foot of the bed, sat my friend, the crazy cat lady, strumming a guitar. Just like a cat...always getting under foot. :)
Jared was looking over my shoulder today, and saw the pictures posted earlier in the virtual visit series. He said the furniture looks a lot better in the pictures than it does in reality. I could claim it is my great photographic skill, but I'm sure it's because I take the opportunity to dust before taking the photo.
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Virtual visit - dining room
This Duncan Phyfe dining room buffet (along with the table and chairs not pictured) belonged to my great Uncle Edgar and Aunt Gladys. When he moved off the farm and into a small assisted living facility in the early 1980s, Mom brought it home with her. She was always upset that someone had allowed the tea cart that matched it to be separated from the set and sold before she got there. I wasn't crazy about the set at first. But I've grown very attached to it.
The art hanging above it is a grouping I really like. They are all fruit still lifes. The top left is not very clear due to the reflection on the glass, but it's one that I got for free for helping a friend of mine clean out a house (it had been left in the house when the people moved out). The frame on it was horrid and falling apart. I routinely look at frames at auctions, etc., and had this gold one in my stash, and it fit was about a five minute job to switch them out.
The top right is a fruit still life that I was instantly attracted to. I found it as a single old calendar page at an estate sale...just a sheet of paper. Obviously someone else had liked it and saved it when they discarded the rest of the calendar. I think I paid a quarter for it. It was my only purchase. I carefully kept it protected flat for years. I liked the art so much, that I finally decided to have it professionally framed. I took it to a framer whose parents I've known for years (his dad framed all my stitchery for ages). Conincidentally he had a printer friend visiting the store that day. I laid my lowly calendar page on the counter, and the printer immediately gravitated to it, and told me that it was a copy of a print from Currier and Ives. I paid way more than a quarter to have it framed.
Bottom right is a basket tray from Mom's. The fruit print in the bottom is covered by glass. I was always crazy about the art, so I had to hang it.
Bottom left is a new piece I found while out shopping with Kasey and the girls.
Hanging to the right of the buffet are the two flatware shadow boxes. When we divided up Mom's stuff, I didn't really want the old stainless flatware set, since I was sure it would never be used. But sentimentally I asked whoever took it for one place setting. I recently got around to matting and framing it (bottom frame). The frame on the top holds a silver place setting that Carey's mother received from a family member and had been holding on to for years. I was thrilled when she gave it to me to frame too. I like having them displayed like this.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Virtual visit...
So I thought maybe we needed a virtual visit. I'm going to start sharing snapshots of my home now and then. Maybe a project in progress...we're scheduled to start front porch construction...I'm so excited!
Today's snapshot:
This is an awesome little cupboard. I bought it as a birthday gift for Carey from a friend that was downsizing. It hides away some stuff that I don't like out in the open. The basket on top and the stool alongside are family pieces. I like the way they go together. This is what I see when I open my eyes each morning. If they are all standing still instead of bouncing around on the wall, I know it's a good non-Meniere's day. :)
Recent comments...
Monday, September 8, 2008
Political debates
I have this friend. I love her unconditionally. We have the utmost respect for each other and each other's points of view...except in Presidential election years. I won't divulge who votes how.
I just got off the phone with her. We had a lively discussion. I was in the comfort of my living room; she was in the grocery store. At one point, the word stupid came up rather firmly on her end. Then I immediately heard her say to the grocery cashier, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean you. No, no. I'm sorry, I'm on the phone," and I collapsed into laughter. I am hereby submitting my public apology to said friend. I know that my laughing at her blue tooth faux pas was like laughing at someone slipping on ice, but it was priceless! More so because I know she would never intentionally call anyone stupid...except me apparently. :) And I love her even more for it!
Sunday, September 7, 2008
Another birthday, another pie...

Saturday, September 6, 2008
How many of me... | ||
Saw this recently, and thought it was kind of fun. So I place it here for your entertainment.